
The Complaints Choir


看FB上安娜转贴的短片Singapore Complain(BANNED),不禁莞尔。微妙的是题目后面括弧“禁止”二个字。



We get fined for almost everything
Drivers won't 'give chance'when you want to'change lane'
The indoors are cold, the outdoors are hot;
And the humid air, it wrecks my hair
Those answering machines always make you hold
Only to hang up on you

When a pregnant lady gets on the train
Everyone pretends to be asleep
I'm stuck with my parents till I'm 35
Cause I can't apply for HDB
We don't recycle any plastic bags
But we purify our pee

What's wrong with Singapore?
Losing always makes me feel so sore
Cause if you're not the best
Then you're just one of the rest

My oh my Singapore
What exactly are we voting for?
What's not expressly permitted
is prohibited


When I'm hungry at the food court, I see
People'chope'seats with their tissue paper
To the aunty staying upstairs:
Your laundry's dripping on my bed sheets
Please don't squat on the toilet seats
And don't clip your nails on MRT

Stray cats get into noisy affairs
At night my neighbor makes weird animal sounds
People put on fake accents to sound posh
And queue up 3 hours for donuts
Will I ever live till eighty five
to collect my CPF?


Singaporeans too kiasu! (so scared to lose)
Singaporeans too kiasi! (so scared o die)
Singaporeans too kiabor!(scared of their wives)
Maybe we're just too stressed out! (even the kids)


Old National Library was replaced by an ugly tunnel
Singaporean men can't take independent women
People blow their nose into the swimming pool
And fall asleep on my shoulder in the train

Singapore's national bird is the crane (the one with yellow steel girders)
Real estate agents' leaflets clogging up my mailbox (en bloc, en bloc; en bloc, en bloc)
Why can't we be buried when we die?
No one wants to climb Bukit Timah with me



There are not enough public holidays
My neighbor sings KTV all night
Wedding dinners never start on time
My hair is always cut shorter than I want
Channel 5 commercials are way too long
Why do men turn bad?

*At first it was to speak more mandarin
Then it was to speak proper English
What's wrong with my powderful Singlish?

People sit down during rock concerts
We have to pay for tap water at restaurants
ERP gantries are everywhere
But I can still see traffic jams on the road
All the bus stops have tilted benches to keep you off balance


哇!哪来这么一群人,衣冠端正,还在前国会殿堂有组织地鸣报不平,拉大嗓门高歌?追查一下,才知道原来这是一个国际性的组织“The Complaints Choir” 。短片制作者声明如下:

“The Complaints Choir invites people to complain as much as they want and to sing their complaints out loud together with fellow complainers. The first choir was organised in Birmingham followed by other cities around the globe. The lyrics were written by the Choir, the song was composed and conducted by Chong Wai Lun. A project by Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen. Produced by Fringe Festival Singapore 2008.”



Credits: Anna Lim


5 条评论:

  1. 搜集一切丑陋和负面的片段,投诉出来、唱出来、拍出来。。把它们扩大扩大扩大。。。




  2. 草姐:你来走第一步,我尽量支持,把我们生活周围的好人好事发扬光大。如何?

  3. SZ 说: 新加坡人的形象在阿美利坚华人心目中是蛮好的: 诚实,整洁,勤快,聪明,能干,富裕,负责,语言能力强,有效率。。。

  4. 我举双手双脚赞成!谢谢SZ的肯定。相信你也是前新加坡人?
